Neophytes Anonymous

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Constellation 9 :: The Thief

1. Visit the Archives and be click on the Lenny standing near the boards.

2. Click on the door to the Archivist's room, knock down the vase and steal the Meepit from the desk.

3. Go back to the Archives and you may now click on the handle on the door to the left. Enter it.

4. Click on large doors until you come to a room with a small door that is clickable. Click on the smaller door.

5. You are taken to a closet with a box of Meepits. Hide the box by clicking the button below the picture.

6. Go back to the Lenny near the board and talk to him. He will tell you it is not the right Meepit.

7. Go back to the Archvist Lenny and knock down the vase again and steal the Meepit on his desk (again).

8. Bring it to the Lenny near the boards. He will try to add a bow and end up breaking it. But you can click on the sword after he does so.

9. On the sword is revealed The Thief's constellation. Go find it!


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